Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What is your ENDGAME?

Some of the Fans and Spectators cheering on during the Uganda v Malawi Match, November 2019 at Nambole Stadium.
Basking in the warmth of a fading sun, I watched the ball curve in from one goalpost to another. There was such mammoth energy behind each sun's ray as men gambled in the field. My experience in football is not one to pride in from playing to watching and anything else related to the game despite having recently joined the "Abachuba" team in the Budo League. 

Much of my attention is easily drawn away by the spectators. 

A couple of weeks ago I managed to follow through a match between Uganda and Malawi at Nambole stadium. There was so much energy, love, commitment, consistency and attention from all over the stadium which was painted black, yellow, red and white. The vuvuzelas there, the screams and excitement was all exhilarating. I kept wondering if this in no way affects the concentration span of the players.

I remember once running a marathon in high school, and the very minute the race commenced, mine almost ended there. The shock that all these people on the sides of the trekking journey were gathered for our cause, most of whom were strangers and a handful of friends humbled me that I literally sat down to first shade a tear but journeyed on later. To hear my name out there made me feel like I had won the race already but maybe that was also to my disadvantage. I started to imagine how I would disappoint these fellows in case I performed terribly. The journey that started there after was no longer about me alone but literally about every other person waiting for me on the finish-line including those on the sidelines. But first, I found a certain peace within.

"God's Grace Took Me Through The Race"
Some of us have not mastered the art of focus amidst all the voices that surround us, cheerleaders, or spectators. I was stunned by these young men's focus and skill which gave many spectators reason to cheer on. It was definitely good energy throughout and we blessed God for the win thereafter.

However, sometimes they may not be cheerleaders, but just a bunch of naysayers. May you say nay to such Sayers. Like Peter walked in faith onto water we can become deaf to all the naysayers that might intend to instill fear in us. I noticed a couple of Malawian players rolling up fists in disappointment against each other and I guess those are the hardships of playing on foreign grounds. 

One thing is for sure, that spectators, cheerleaders or even naysayers don't determine the endgame; the players do. If we may see the world as a football pitch, we can make it worthy enough for the spectators to cheer on and if we must let's slay those naysayer.

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