Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lifting the Veil!

When you visit a place, however beautiful, desirous, comfortable, don't overstay your welcome! Even if it it is a place you have dreamed of all your life, get up and leave in due time. In fact leave when you are still desired but if you must stay pray to be admitted as a resident.

Here I am reminiscing about childhood memories, about the days I spent with my grannies in the village. Whenever visitors were coming over, we laid beds, prepared the finest meals, scented the entire home, cleared and beautified the compound. In fact, the kids were asked to shower and put on their church attires, because our casuals would have been torn and dirty for days. My grandmother would even pull out the utensils that would have been kept for ages. All the table cloths were unveiled and place cleaned to sparkle. 

Some visitors would be so impressed that if they had come for a few days, they would stay longer until my granny would Lift the Veil. Underneath it you would see all the pretense that has been making everyone uncomfortable. Beyond the intended welcome, the visitors would be required to work like the rest of us. One by one, she returned the "special utensils" until that awkward moment when the visitor lost comfort in their stay.
Ideally the visit had gone into a stalemate and indeed, the minute the Veil would be lifted, these visitors would take off either back to their homes or maybe to the next host. Like food, anything that overstays its span is bound to go into a stalemate. It could be a  relationship, a job, a journey etc

Anything that stops to grow starts to die; especially the spirit. Employment is currently the biggest contribution to people's state of stalemate. I am a believer that while we apply for various jobs, by writing our resumes, the very minute we get hired, we should be working on our next qualification. It is not greed, it's growth. A man that is not ambitious in this era will easily be ambushed by their own death.

A goodbye should precede that hello. Don't keep the door waiting.

However, there is always an exception to the general rule which technically is the general rule. There is a visitor who will lead you to and and also lead you in your own home. When he visits you, you will soon realize that that has been his home all along, he will lay the tables for you, invite you to dinner, clean up after all the messes that you have learnt to live with. Unlike other visitors, he is the provider for his host. When you make him feel at home in your own home, he will become your home.

He has been waiting to make you his own for so long. And eventually, he gets to wed you like like was born for this exact moment, that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly. When he lifts the veil off your face as his bride, it is for good, it is eternal. All the lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride are lifted along. And now you have a new face full of love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  It is a moment to live happily ever after.

He is Jesus Christ. When he comes knocking, please invite him in, and your home will never feel, look or be the same again.

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