Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Edited version

I edited my story, thinking I'd feel good about the narration. Where convenient I threw in a little white lie and swiftly moved on with my life. Partly it was due to my shame, then my pride and also because I could. It's not easy to tell people exactly what is on your heart that sometimes I just want to draw a sketch and leave the mapping to whom it may concern. Trust issues are a big block to expression and may eventually lead to depression. 

For a while now, I have been advocating for authenticity but little did I know that half a truth is sometimes worse than a naked lie. One day I am testifying God's goodness after I lost my phone over the Good Samaritan who gave it back to me intact and the next am embarrassed to tell anyone about the trauma of having the same phone gruesomely snatched out of my hands along my other possessions only that this time, the situation is life threatening.

On this fateful evening, I arrived at my gate nearly at the same time with these two young men, after one of those long beautiful day (insert smiley face). Little did I know that it was to end with a long face. In my happy heart, these were just some of those passersby probably heading their way that I even dared to tender in my greetings. In a blink, one of them quickly reached out for my mouth to deter me from uttering any word while the other held the Safeboda guy I had arrived with at "Panga Point". For a minute I was in shock, and the next I was burning with anger at the helpless state I had just been subjected to by these young men turned thugs who in my judgement seemed to have just been welcomed into  their adulthood.

Let's just say I was given one more reason not to trust humans, but hey, what about my first episode about the Good Samaritan? what about my neighbors who reached out to me and hugged that trauma away, gave me a place to stay and food to warm my heart again? what about all those nights I have managed to get home safe and sound? what about all the good days in which I have enjoyed the calm and peace on this planet? what about every morning I wake up to my conscience? Or rather, these I have considered obvious and taken for granted?
It is very important that we always step aside and stoically recognize God's will in all situations. This will help us rejoice in a place of darkness and to remember that all things work out for the good of those who love the Lord. This love will seek us back into a place of peace and to know who to grieve before is how happiness happens when everything around you suggests otherwise.