What if I fail?
What if am not the one?
What if I don't hit my target?
What if this was never meant to be?
What if they say....?
Ohh, sometimes they'll actually say.
In fact;
They'll say that you are not good enough.
They'll say that there isn't enough time for that.
They'll say that you are not popular enough.
They'll say that you are not young/old enough.
They'll say that you are not wise/ knowledgeable enough.
They'll say that you are not strong enough. (I'll skip David's story for another day)
The disturbing truth is that part of what they'll say maybe true. But who will you choose to listen to? What do you believe in? Where do you put your trust? In chariots? In your abilities? In your networks /net worth? The other truth is that no amount of 'enough' will ever be enough. What matters is what God thinks just as enough.
Some opt to play it safe while for some, safety is a luxury. The latter may perceive failure differently as the inability to dare. The inability to feel neither victory nor defeat. Give chance its unfretting chance. Don't let your fear for defeat deafen you from the echoes of victory.
A dear friend of mine, Kwikwi, just shared with me the words of the wise man, Solomon, in Ecclesiastes 11 " if you wait until the winds and the weather are just right, you'll never sow anything and never harvest anything" She also reminded me of the famous Madam C.J. Walker who through valleys went beyond all shadows of doubt to dare to dream because she believed this was her calling.
What is your calling? While at it, work on your belief system. You can borrow a leaf from Donald Trump if you may.